Nico Pusch – Blackbird Remix Contest
Nico Pusch – Blackbird

Remix Submission
April 25 – June 30, 2023
1 – July 13, 2023
Winner Announcement
July 14, 2023
Oh Mann, ihr habt es uns echt nicht leicht gemacht! Vielen vielen Dank für eure zahlreichen und facettenreichen Einsendungen.
Nachdem jedes Jury-Mitglied für sich alle Remixes gehört und bewertet hatte, haben wir uns noch einmal gut anderthalb Stunden ausgetauscht. Es war echt ein knappes Rennen. Letztlich mussten wir dann eine Entscheidung treffen und haben dies auch getan.
Der Gewinner Remix, der mit auf die Vinyl kommt, kommt von:
Heinrich & Heine
Als digital Release wurden zusätzlich ausgewählt:
- Cut N Glue
- Technodisco
- PKNeer
- Smylla
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Alle Gewinner erhalten die weiteren Infos per E-Mail.
Außerdem haben wir zu jedem Remix Notizen mit Feedback gemacht. Dies versuchen wir in den kommenden Tagen nach und nach an alle rauszuschicken, auch an die Teilnehmer, die es nicht auf das Release geschafft haben.
Wir danken euch allen für eure Teilnahme!
Nico, Plunk.ton, Daniel & Alex
Hey, novice seamen & women!
We've got a challenge for you: The Blackbird Remix Contest officially started!
With remixes from Thomas Lizzara and Sébastien already out there, we're looking forward to hear what you conjure up from Nico's epic techhouse track. Show us your creativity and give this track your very own touch!
What is the point of all this?
The winning remix will be included on the upcoming Blackbird Remixed Vinyl!
Additionally, up to 5 remixes will be released digitally.
Note: Due to waiting times at our pressing plant of at least 18 weeks, we currently assume that the release will be released in November.
How do you participate?
Simply sign up using one of the "enter contest" buttons on this page and download the remix stems.
Upload your finished remix to either SoundCloud or Mixcloud, tag it #droomschipp and #blackbirdrmx and name it like this: Nico Pusch - Blackbird ([YOUR NAME] Remix).
Alternatively you can send us a download link of your remix via the remix submission form.
If you want to make sure that we don't miss your remix, you can also send us your SoundCloud- or Mixcloud-link via the remix submission form.
The deadline for entries is June 30, 2023.
Winners will be announced July 7, 2023 July 14, 2023 (due to the large amount of remixes).
The winning remix will be included on the upcoming Blackbird Remixed vinyl and digital release!
Up to 5 remixes will be additionally released as digital releases depending on their quality and subjective criteria of the jury.
All winning remixes get a professional mastering!
The winners will also receive a droomschipp merchandise package, consisting of a bag, sticker pack and a Blackbird Remixed Vinyl signed by Nico Pusch!
- The Remix Submission Period begins on April 25, 2023 at 0:00 CET and ends on June 30, 2023 at 23:59 CET.
- The winners will be determined in the period from July 1 to 6, 2023. The jury consists of Nico Pusch, Plunk.ton, Daniel Helmstedt and Alexander Ebisch.
- Important: For a release, the remix must be provided as a premaster in WAV/AIF format with at least 24 bit, 44 kHz with 6dB headroom at the latest after the prize has been announced. If this format cannot be provided, the win is void retroactively.
- Only one remix per participant.
- It is necessary to register for the Remix Contest in advance via the droomschipp website.
- The competition is worldwide.
- The minimum age for participants is 18 years.
- Remixes may only be published with the link to this remix contest ( and exclusively on Soundcloud and Mixcloud.
- Employees of droomschipp are not eligible for the Remix Contest.
- The prizes for this remix contest will be provided by droomschipp .
- The chances of winning depend on the number of remixes submitted, with the artistic merit of the entry being judged by the jury below according to subjective criteria.
Participation must comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Remix Contest .
The Jury

Nico Pusch
Nico Pusch is one of the most famous German techhouse DJs. He already worked with Robin Schulz and many other artists worldwide.
2013 saw the release of his You EPon droomschipp, his first personal release on vinyl. After smaller releases before, this was the final accolade at the latest.
Then in 2014 his first album Von Luft & Liebe came on WePlay. Shortly thereafter, the well-known Faze-Mag invited him to do a DJ mix for their in-house mix series, which was released as Faze #29. After countless singles and EPs remixed by Township Rebellion, Carlo Ruetz, K-Paul and Thomas Lizzara, among others, his album "Different Worlds" was released in 2018, on which he once again demonstrates his wonderfully multifaceted way of creating music.
More singles and releases followed, until now the ways crossed again with his home label droomschipp . This is how the idea of the Blackbird Remix Contest was born in a joint collaboration.

Plunk.ton is label co-founder and the captain of droomschipp. In 2010 he himself was among the winners of the remix contest for the track "The Way It Took Us" by Florian Meindl. This experience also motivated him to organize the Nico Pusch Remix Contest.
2011 saw the first vinyl release of Plunk.ton as a Various Artist EP together with a track by Marcus Mahler. His most successful work was probably the Allein EP, on which Nico Pusch also contributed a remix. Subsequently, there were many other releases, especially on droomschipp and labels such as Wanderlust, Lover Or Mate, Audio Safari and Who Else Music.
In June 2023, his first official album called Transformation will be released.

Daniel Helmstedt
Daniel Helmstedt fascinates with his very own distinctive style of combining relaxed arpeggios with harmonic pads and strings. He proved this in the recent past with the track Bliss , among others, which was released on the HYMNS label run by AKA AKA.
Daniel had his first release Erdbeerliebe / Laubtänzer in 2011 on pure RecordsThere also followed his first release on vinyl called Luft & Liebein 2012. On droomschipp his Drawn EP with remixes by Plunk.ton and Ben Haydie is an absolute favorite. But Daniel has been around a lot and released diligently on many other labels like Maldesoule, Mango Alley, Blue Magenta, Manual Deep and Tächno.
Recently he finished his first own sample pack, which will be released soon via Zenhiser .

Alexander Ebisch
Alex has a musical family background and has a fine hand, or rather a fine ear, for wonderful harmonies and transitions.
So he came on board the droomschipp in 2015 with his first release Don’t Say Wrong . Since then, he has immortalized himself in various remixes and different releases on Wanderlust and Oxytech Limited , among others. His personal highlight was his single When Simple Feelings Cry, which was released on Wanderlust in 2020.
Alex has been an integral part of the droomschipp crew for many years, not only because of his music.